Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My childhood home

The chimney in this photo is all that is left of the home I grew up in. They tore it down and built a new house. The small building is our old back porch that dad put in when we were in high school.  This was a double fireplace. The one that you see was in the living room and the bricks beside it was the back of the one that was in the family room.

When we were building the fireplace dad let me put in a couple of bricks that were suppose to be above the ceiling but ended up right below the ceiling so when you looked and saw the crooked bricks just to the left of the opening seen where the door to the family room went, those were my bricks..I wanted to go out and get a couple of bricks and wood from the place but I have to much stuff now and what would I do with it.

The house has many memories as we lived in this old house that had been added onto many times, the oldest section being homesteader house. One evening  dad and mom were having fun dreaming of their dream house. When mom got her design done dad started piece by piece gathering the material and building it for her.

She wanted used brick. Do you know how hard that actually was at that time to find?  A friend of ours that lived in Portland told us they were tearing an old railroad building down in Portland and dad could buy the brick. So we took the old truck and off to Portland to get old railroad building brick.

We found used hard wood flooring and rented a sander and sanded it down level and stained it and put the covering on it. The flooring came from an old grange in Madras. The first attempt with the big sander was a disaster as we almost made a hole, replaced that section and more careful with the rest. After all that work doing the old wood floor mom decided to carpet that room. I hated covering all our work up. The flooring came from the old warehouse in Gateway.

Today everyone uses new material but I always loved the history that was built into that house. I loved trains every since I was tiny and lived in Gateway so having something that had Gateway and railroad stuff was ok with me.

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