Friday, April 13, 2012

Picking Rocks

I love the rock fence posts. It is a good way to use the rocks that grow and I do mean grow all over Central Oregon. Any farm kid that grew up in the area hated the job of picking rocks.  Every spring you have to go out and pick rocks up where the farm machinery doesn't get broke and cost hundreds of dollars to fix. It was a boring dirty job and before long they were sprouting again.  Some of the rocks that grow to the surface are HUGE and we used to dynamite them and then pick up the small pieces.

All I can say it is lucky my dad played ball so well his whole life cause it made it where he could run really fast. Our job as kids was to sit in the pickup ready to go and dad would light the dynamite and jump on the running board as we took off to the other end of the field as fast as we could go.  We thought it was a great thrill and we got to go fast over the bumps and part of the rock problem we liked.  Sometimes it was to thrilling and we would get really excited. Can you see it coming?  Dad bent down to light the fuse and VAROOM off goes the pickup like it is in a drag race with dad running flat out trying to catch us. We found out not only could he run fast, he could run far.  I can report all of us made it to the bottom of the field and dad did not know if he should kill us or laugh but he could not breathe good enough to do either, thank God for miracles.

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