Sunday, December 2, 2012

Struttin' Styles do it yourself dog bathing Boutique

They opened a do it yourself dog bathing place in Madras on Fairgrounds road.  For us elderly people this is a godsend.  They furnish everything but the dog and you and are friendly to go along with it. They try to help in any way she can.

Hank my Australian Shepherd (Aussie) getting blown dried on one of the drying tables. The lady was helping me by drying him while I started on the next dog.  Hank as a thick double coat and is almost impossible to even get wet to the skin at home in the shower.

When Hank gets out of the shower at home and shakes all his water flies off leaving him almost dry and me and the bathroom walls needing washed.

It works real well during the summer to bathe him at home because I do it outside or don't let him shake until he gets outside. He behaves so well that this is not a problem but when it is freezing outside. What I usually do is put him in the bath tub and close the sliding doors until he is done shaking then I still have to wash the whole bath tub and doors.

Mom always feels bad that I have to bathe her dogs. She is 88 years old and it is hard for her to bend over that long or to get on her knees. She had a knee replacement and can't get on her knees. Her dogs weigh about 35 pounds so putting them in the sink is not an option for her either.  Down here the lady will help her get them in the tub. Today I lifted them in the tub and did most of the shampooing but she felt so good because when I got the first one done I put the second in the tub and let her shampoo him.

Paco had to get in the tub just where he stayed out of trouble and before we were taking turns holding him. He hated it when we turned on the driers, he did not like the noise. He felt better here with his buddies. They have a nylon grate for the dogs to stand on where they feel secure instead of fighting like they do on the porcelain tub at home. 

They furnish the shampoo and all the towels you want to use so you don't have to wash wet towels at home either.  Guess what?  Your house does not smell like wet dog either.  As you can see no bending over for mom.

Hank is still getting blown out and brushed as we work. He is such a good dog and so well behaved, I was so proud of him.

As you can see in the background they also have cages for you to put the dogs in while you bathe the other one. YoYo is not very happy about waiting but he is being good. Freckles is just enjoying all the attention from mom.

Yo Yo finally gets his turn.

drying time and no hair flying around my bathroom to clean up. 

Mom was so proud that she could do her own dogs and they loved the attention from her. Her back did not hurt. They had padded pads for you to stand on so her knees and feet did not hurt her.

The dogs even looked better then when we do it at home. We get so tired at home we end up quitting and by the time we get the mess cleaned up our whole day is gone. If we have time we are still to tired to do anything else.

This place is wonderful for us elderly!  It cost us $10 a dog which came to $30.00 (Paco did not get a bath as he is easy to do in the sink) It would have cost us twice that much just to do one dog if we had taken to the groomer.  If we did it at home it would have taken soreness for days.

I think this is one of the best things I have found in our county recently. Please try it out!  Tell them you read about it on my page and I sent you. You will be pleasantly surprised at how much easier this really is and well worth the $10 a dog just not to have the mess and smell without counting the less work.

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