Friday, December 14, 2012

Old bones feel the chill

Today dawned really cold and the old bones feel the chill. My mom has arthritis and she really feels the cold. I am lucky that even at 66 I don't have many problems and no arthritis. I feel so sorry for her as her hands will just knot up in a ball when it is cold.

We have discovered what many have known for centuries that nothing warms the body like wood heat. The only heat that will heat you clear to the bone without making you feel sick because it is so hot. We put in a pellet stove and it sure helps. We enjoy the watching the fire and the heat.

We also have a wood stove out in the converted attached garage which serves as a hobby room, canned food storage, freezer and my bed and I love the wood heat. There is nothing like building a roaring fire, a good book, a cup of hot chocolate and watching the snow all snug and warm. Makes us count our blessings for sure.

I enjoyed my winter last year in Arizona but I so missed these cold morning and the threat of snow. I just can't hardly stand waiting for a nice snowfall. My Jeep, my dogs and my camera will be out all day taking photos and half the night taking photos of Christmas lights..All I can say is "come on snow" I am ready, have not seen you for two years...........yeah snow..bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. The weather has cooled considerably here in Arizona, it is 48 degrees right now and it rained a lot last night....and I have hot flashes, how cool is that? Free heat! ~rolls eyes~ Keep the fire stoked, I hate the idea of grandma hurting! Love you guys!
