Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas light drive in Madras

I took my mom who is 88 out for a drive last night to look for Christmas lights in our small town. We might be small but we have a big Christmas spirit. So many lights and I appreciate even the small displays. Thank you for sharing the spirit with us.  Going to post a few of my favorites. I only got to about 3 neighborhoods so you can see the spirit of Christmas is alive and well in Madras.

This is such a nice lawn display downtown area.

colorful and cheery 

This one might have been simple strings of lights but the image it made of cold was amazing and I loved it. It was 41 degrees out and this house looks like middle of winters cold.

Love the candy canes

What a neat idea, you don't always have to have lights as they made the front door into a wrapped present.

These are all of Jessie's house. He not only does a wonderful display of lights for all of us to enjoy but he always has a toy drive for all the farm kids. Always ready to help those that don't have as much as he does in anyway he can.

many strands of lights to string

This had to be the most thought out display. It is on our water department and the lights are where it looks like the water is running into the glass. I just loved it as it goes down the side of their building.

Another great fun one.

These last 17 are all of the same house. This is amazing. You see on TV all these fancy set to music lights but they aren't as cool as this collection. I bet if I go back I will see displays I missed the first time. I am going out again if it snows to. This is something a child will remember their whole life.

another simple elegant display

What a wonderful drive. I laugh because we all think of taking the kids out for a drive to see the lights and here I am 66 and taking my 88 year old mom out to see lights and I think we had as much wonderment as the kids. 

It brought back so many memories of when I was a kid and the Bender family was about the only one that could afford to put a big display on with a big Santa and sled and reindeer which they put in different places each year. We would set in wonderment out on the street just staring every year and then I took my kids.  The memories that flooded back from all these lights and displays made it a special memory of past last night so thank you to everyone that puts lights out for our enjoyment as you made it special for us.

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