Friday, December 21, 2012

Keep your neighborhood and town safe

We do not have enough police officers to patrol every area. They do get upset when you call them all the time as they are understaffed and behind and many times when you call of a suspicious person they are behind in fights, domestics and wrecks.

There are many things you can do to make your neighborhoods safe and I want to start doing an entry in my blog with some ideas.

First, be aware!  There are many sets of eyes out there that can work as a security camera for the police. My ideas...go get a notebook used for security only entries for a daily security diary log.

Get to know your neighbors vehicles by listing all vehicles in your book when you have time, license numbers, colors, makes people who are in the vehicle. This is one way of getting to know your neighbors without leaving the security of your home. You don't even have to open the curtains, just peek out. Pretty soon you will know what cars belong in your neighborhood as visitors, neighbors or delivery people.

If something does happen in the neighborhood you have a list of people that were in the neighborhood during that time period so be sure and note the time. Even if you are working in the yard and enter the info when you go back in the house you have an idea of to the time that vehicle was in the neighborhood and not a vehicle that you have noted before.

As you work with your diary you will learn the vehicles and people and soon your daily log will get smaller and smaller and you will feel safer and more knowledgeable.

Many times people case the neighborhood and if you see a strange vehicle appear two days in a row driving by or even one day and going slow and paying attention to houses or one house make note of it and if you are really suspicious tell the police where when they have time they can patrol your neighborhood.

I have had my neighbors call me at work to see if I knew someone in a white car just they just pulled into my driveway..This one turned out good as they guy was not up to no good, his car had broke down and he coasted into the quickest place to get off the road. It had gained my neighbors attention because he did not pull all the way in.

There have been incidents that a u-haul has pulled up to a house in broad daylight and unloaded a whole household of everything while the neighbors were out in the yard working and were not suspicious. If the neighbors had known a little about these people they would have known the people loading the u-haul were not any of the people that live there. Even if they have help at least one of those people should have been in your diary and you know them.  Complete strangers don't come in a u-haul to pack up a house. If people are moving you should have some hints before that of packing boxes being brought in etc.  If people are hauling stuff out without packing it that is also strange.

If a car comes and is only hauling electronics or stuff out of a house without it being packed is strange. People usually pack TV's etc into a house not out and if they pack them in even they are in a box.  Don't you think it is strange if a strange car pulls up to a house and goes around back and then comes out the front door with just electronics and leaves???

Remember this is your neighbor, it is your responsibility.

If you see someone crawling in a window, which you do see. Is that person in your diary as living there or is it a stranger you have never seen before.....Call the cops!

Watch the kids at the bus stop near your house, log in your diary any cars, people etc that are hanging around. Log the kids, how many are there. If you see a stranger hanging around a bus stop be sure and take note and call the police.  This is true especially in rural areas where one child catches the bus. Note everyone that brings that child to the bus stop.

Enough for today, stay tuned daily for other things hopefully. If you have something to add please feel free to do so.  We need to take back our neighborhoods, our towns, they are our homes not just  the houses we live in, we live in a community. That community is ours, it is our home.

Yeah, I am so happy, I have already had someone contact me about setting up a neighborhood watch in their neighborhood here in my home excited I am....

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