Monday, December 3, 2012

Bullying Prevention Meeting

If you stop and think about it all people have to worry about bullying.

The politician bully everyone by always cutting things that will hurt you if you don't give them the budget they want. They never cut things that you don't care about. It is always police, fire, ambulance or school transportation etc.  That is a form of bullying too.

Kids get bullied.  They have learned so much about how to handle this kind of stuff in the recent years when people started really working at fixing the problem.

Remember the old saying "you have two choices, you can be part of the problem or part of the solution". Doing nothing is part of the problems. We have got so if they aren't going to pay us to do something then we don't do it and become part of the problem.

This is our community and it is time for the good guys to stand up and help protect the ones that are getting shoved around. We need to get tough.

This reminds me of the guy that called in the bike being thrown in the creek. If it was not for him standing up someone child would not longer have a bike.  Now why did this person steal the bike just to throw it away? This doesn't make sense to me.

Brain research is the fastest changing thing in our world. It is changing faster then technology and this really helps in working with how to handle bullies.

We were lucky today to watch a short tape with a lady that teaches nationally about bullying and it was the most interesting video. One of the things that really hit me was "What is listening?"  Real listening is being prepared to be changed by what you hear.

The other one was "the children are our future but we are there here and now".

Please think about it and if you are interested in coming to learn, to listen, to teach and share or to learn ways to handle things please come. Even if it is just that you want to know what the committee is saying and doing.

It is so time to get involved in your community. It is your community, it does not belong to the politicians or the drug dealers. It belongs to you. Many of you have lived her a lot longer then the ones that are making the decisions in our community, longer then the drug dealers, longer then the bullies so come, lets take back our community and refuse to be bullied or allow our kids to be bullied. Lets take back control of our community by becoming involved.

Use the new TEXT line to report drugs, alcohol, bullying or anything else you are don't feel free to call and give your name. TEXT 541-508-TEEN.  Give this number to your teens to use.

Bullying hurts, it hurts for years, please help stop it. Everyone who has lived has something to offer, they have seen it, they have lived it, they have did it, they have heard horror stories on it. If you have lived you have some ideas to help.

Please come:  Send me your address: and I will send you a reminder. It is at 242 SW 4th street at the Best Care Office, across from "The Bear" on January 14 th at 10:30..SEE YOU THERE!

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