Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Litter kills

Litter not only looks terrible and pollutes our waterways and our public lands it actually kills.

With winter upon us the animals are hungry and you will find photos posted everywhere of animals stuck with cans on their heads from trying to get food. Birds with their bills stuck through cans to where they can't eat. Fish eating cigarette filters and butts. Sick birds from cigarette butts.

Watch your antifreeze as animals love it and are dying from eating it. Now they are putting a bitter taste in it to try and stop this problem.

It does not take that long to pack your litter back home then it does to toss it out the window. You can not grow new land or get new water, what we have is what we will live with for the rest of our lives. We have damned up the rivers where they can't clean and then use them for a garbage dump. We are poisoning our ocean by hauling barges of garbage out.  We really need to go back to re-use items like jars instead of cans etc.

Please look around you and see all the garbage that people throw out. Take photos of them doing it. Call the police, call the roads department and give them the description and license number of the person doing it. Call the BLM office if you see them littering on public lands.

Talk about a way to save money. It costs a lot of money to cleanup the mess that people leave on public lands, parks and waterways

STOP THE LITTERING TODAY! Get involved, this is your community and your land that hopefully your kids will have clean water to drink and a place to play.

1 comment:

  1. Littering really does kill people all around the globe, it is due to our selfish actions as human beings and being careless, that we have let it affect the masses.

    -Land Source Container Service, Inc.
