Monday, January 4, 2021

Time away

 I have not worked on my blog for a few years as they found a brain tumor in my mom and I took care of her until the last.  I have lost her now and finally am getting on with my life after 3 years without her. It was really hard as she lived with me for 26 years and most were happy years.

I went back to 911 after she passed but finally retired again for the fourth time. My daughter asked me to move in with her as she got a place with a mother in law suite at the south end of the house. She said I would never retire if I kept living in Madras as they would continue to talk me into working.  I had agreed to work 2 days a week but ended up working full time with over time every week.

To make a long story short I moved to Estacada, Oregon with my daughter and was enjoying being around family and doing family get to gathers and then COVID hit and been pretty much home bound since. My family worries because of my age. I go for a drive once in a while but I live in such a beautiful place with an amazing view and a big yard with lots of birds and squirrels and an occasional deer or coyote.  I can still see my beloved Mt. Hood so I feel at home.

I brought my three dogs with me.

My little "Paco"  dog, the love of my life right now, his snuggles helped me through the past few years and I hate that he is getting so old. He is a Chug, a cross between a pug and a chihuahua.

My sweet "Cara", a wheaten terrier, Wheatens are amazing dogs and have a special clip but I clip her all down since I spend so much time outdoors. They are hypoallergic and don't shed. She is the oldest of all my dogs and already at the high end of her expected life span but we keep hoping. She acts like a puppy most of the time and runs and plays but some days her arthritis gets to her and she is slow moving.

The youngest of the bunch my "Sassy" dog, a red and white border colllie.  A dear friend gave her to me when I lost my beloved Hank dog, an aussie and the best dog I ever had.  Sassy earned her name as when we first got her we called her Penny because of her color and a copper colored circle she had.  After about 2 or 3 weeks I said, mom I think we should have called her Sassy. As soon as I said Sassy her ears perked up and she came flying to me and Sassy she became.  She has tons of energy and thinks her biggest job in life is to be attached to my leg or my daughters now too. My daughter hates it as she gets hair on her when she is dressed in her work clothes.

Now on to the adventures of the 4 of us.  I bought a 4 door Jeep Unlimited and a small utility trailer I put a bed and ice box and porta potty in.

Now on to catching up with our adventures.

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