Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Politics......Sick of it

 One of these days the people will realize that the right wing and the left wing are on the same bird called congress and they don't much care about us, we are just the bait they use to get their way.  Everyone worries about who will be president....well the real problem and power lay with congress not the president. I will never vote for someone that has been in congress for years and not fixed the problems. Moving them from a different seat to another chair will not change anything. Moving from the house to the senate will not make them work harder or more honest.

We need to clean up congress, look up your facts, a lot of them have criminal histories and many of their deeds are cleaned up at our tax money being spent on it.

People say, I had no choice as none of the other candidates had the experience, the experience of screwing the American People and dividing us?????  How do they get experience???  If you know how to make phone calls you can find people who know how to do things. I found out in 911 you don't have to know everything you just need to start making phone calls until you can find someone that will help you get what you need.  Don't be embarrassed because you don't know an answer, say I don't know but I will find the answer for you and get on that phone and start following leads until you find the answer.  As my dad told me, if you come to a fork in the road and it didn't work don't lay down and quit, try a different road.

Growing up on a farm you do not get the right to say I don't know, if one of your stock is sick or your crop is sick you find out how to fix it.  You don't get to say I don't feel good and am not going to work today or your animals and crops will die. You have to figure out how to get it done even if it means asking for help but get it done you will.

Growing up on a farm with not a lot of money taught me more that I used in life in all my jobs then the book education I received.  Both are good but never put someone down because they do not have a college education. I know many that have a college education but don't have good ole common sense and don't know how to improvise in an emergency, if it isn't like the book says it will be then they are lost and believe me life doesn't run smooth or according to what you think it will.

I am so totally sick of politics, I hate bills that have tons of stuff in them and if you want one thing to have to let 30 thing go in the law that you didn't really want.....cut the garbage and go back to simple language and simple truths. If you want to pass a bill on welfare why are you putting in highways, aid to other countries etc..

Congress was not set up to be a lifetime career. It was to serve the country and go back to your career, congress not only is now a career your working life but also when you retire. Where else can you just work a few days a year and get paid for the whole year with all the benefits of health insurance and every other working mans benefits while you don't work. It costs so much money now because of all the stuff they add on.  Unions also suck, many times when people try to do a job themselves as a volunteer they won't let you because you aren't union. Even fixing a road you can't just go volunteer in most places....


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