Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hispanic dancers at Music in the Parks in Madras, Oregon

I love the diversity of our county.

I also love the Native and the Hispanic dancers. They are so colorful and so dedicated to their dancing. It makes it a joy for all of us to watch.

The instructors in this group is all volunteer. They volunteer their time and talent to help the young people learn their native dances and give them something to do instead of roam the streets or stay at home alone while the parents work. Hats off to them and to the kids for working so hard at this.

A swirl of color and smiles. Gorgeous!

These youngsters were doing a bottle dance. I don't know the story behind it but I wish I did but it was a very cute dance.

This was a courting dance.

Another dance I don't remember what it signified but was beautiful. The little girls are so serious about their dancing. I could watch them all day long.

 This was a wedding dance and very beautiful.

This was the old man dance. It was funny and very entertaining and one of my favorite.

Another one of my favorite parts of the day. I am so glad we are getting a performing arts center built as you can tell from my blog we have so many fun arts and talent in our small town.

Next I will be doing the dance studio groups of dancers.

If you want to see more photos from music in the park you may go to my web page at:

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