Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wild Horse Race

The wild horse race is one wild rodeo event. So many injuries occur, last one I went to one of the guys ended up losing his leg over an injury. It takes a tough person to wild horse race but if you love it they do it for a lot of years. I know guys in their 60's still in there. They don't do the riding anymore, they anchor or mug but they are in there trying.

At the Warm Springs Reservation rodeo the wild horse races are really fun as they have a peewee division where the under 12 ride colts.

Rodeo is a tough sport but when you love it.  They also have a division for the 12 through 18.
These kids never give up, the mud today was a good 8" deep but that did not even slow them down, they lost their boots, ripped right out of them because they were stuck and the horse took off and they refused to let go of the horse.

Most of these kids were kids I hauled on my school bus. They are the neatest most thoughtful kids and made my job such a delight. Kids that live in rural areas I think look at life a little different then city kids. I remember once a city friend of ours was telling us how farm life would be so boring until they came to live with us for 3 months during a bad time. He decided the first week you have to be tough to be a farm kid and it is more dangerous then the streets.

If you want to see more of the rodeo photos you can go to:

What a great weekend, I was proud of my kids and proud of my friends and so thankful no one got hurt bad.

1 comment:

  1. I was a long-time participant in the Wild Horse Race they used to have at the annual Sparta Rodeo here in Michigan. Lots of action and excitement, and yes, more than a few injuries, but never felt more alive.
