Saturday, April 14, 2012

Transylvania in Oregon?

Transylvania in Oregon...spooky, this was taken on 9-11-11. 

I can just hear my brother and his friends and the stories he would make up on a night like this. When I was a child I always wanted to go sleep outside with the boys since there were no other girls around. The boys hated it, tagging little sister around but dad would insist and off we would go.

We loved to sleep in the grain storage area which only had one door. They would sleep up by the door and make me go towards the back.  They had learned a parents trick of speaking real soft when they did not want me to hear except the were smarter, the would talk just loud enough that if I tried hard I could hear them just barely. Maybe this is what developed my good hearing..... Anyway they did not want me there and they laid in the door and talked about how they had to protect the door where the man in the black car could not get me, once it was a man of lightning and yet I still never learned. 

I laid there listening to every word they said. They made plans on who would stay awake and take guard duty. They talked about how the man only took little girls. They talked about how they did not want to tell dad because they felt sorry for me that I would never be allowed away from his side if he knew about the man.  By then I am wide awake, shaking and scared to death.

A loud noise!  The boys jumped and said "oh no, did you hear that", watch real careful everyone.  Then they said "did you see that shadow move?"

I was out of there at a dead run for the house and my daddy telling him I was bored and cold and the boys got rid of little sister and managed to stay out of trouble with dad all in one story.  My brother was always smart and I was gullible and we still remain that way today but I am smarter then I used to  

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