Friday, August 31, 2012

Fire on "J" street near Buff

I am sure this fire was started by a person or kids. I am choosing kids as it started under the bridge, they either did it on purpose or were playing with matches or trying to smoke.

This is the bridge it started under and it came out the south side. The police officer that responded is one of Madras PD's best officers so I am thinking that this case may be solved if at all possible.

The fire headed through sagebrush and dried weeds being carried by a pretty good wind right to the standing wheat field.

The firemen trying to get it knocked down before it catches the wheat field on fire and heads for the hay barn.

You can barely see the second fire unit due to the smoke. Thinking maybe they got it knocked down before it hit that standing wheat.

As my dad would have said "dag nab it" there it goes again.

Headed for the hay barn full speed ahead.

The firemen say "no way fire" as they are there to protect the barn and knock it down again.

A hot and furious fight continues.

The firemen win again!

The fire is determined and it tries even a different direction as it heads East but once again it meets with a firetruck.

The fire once again puts up a fight.

The fire finally gives up. It is all over except for mopping up  the hot spots. Good job fireman and firewomen you did a great job.

Jefferson County Fire District is mostly a volunteer organization but they train hard and do an excellent job of keeping our county and town safe.

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